Monday, January 17, 2022

Best Laid Plans

Having just gotten back from Spain, I had an urge to write about those experiences. Then I looked at the site and realized how long it has been since I wrote ANYTHING. So, a quick update. 

I retired in the summer of 2016 after a cruise to Alaska. I cried when the country elected the moron-in-chief (which I tongue-in-cheek predicted in my retirement letter to Local 8). I've watched in amazement as people I respected and thought were intelligent descended into willful ignorance about his lying, megalomaniac behavior both before and during his time in office.

My wife and I started taking care of her sister who developed Alzheimer's. We visited my son in Brazil. My daughter graduated college (again) and we took the family to New York City as a reward for multiple graduates. My dad had a stroke while we were there (he's mostly recovered) and for awhile we had two unwell people to care for in our lives. We finished 2019 by going to Disney World, returning home having lost our desire to be around large groups of people.

The Earth decided to grant our wish by trying to rid itself of the virus known as humanity with COVID, while the leadership of the United States tried to assist. An election occurred that dismissed that stupidity, but only until January of 2021, when a portion of the electorate lost its collective mind...followed by one of our political parties mostly losing their connection to reality following that remnant down the rabbit hole of election fraud. Georgia surprised everyone and gave a majority government to the opposite party and we successfully created a third (fourth, fifth?) wave of COVID which has hamstrung economics around the world, although some would have you believe it is all Joe Biden's fault. Obviously, I should have been writing my heart out through all of that, but I promise to redeem myself going forward (and likely looking back).

For now, know that my son moved to Spain and we decided to visit with him and his girlfriend at Christmas. We can begin there the next time.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Welcome Back

Some of you are quite aware that I am just a repressed writer. During my two year game of calvinball with Local 1036 and the International, my favorite pastime was just writing about stuff that was going on. When I stopped, I gradually posted some quotes that I think aptly apply to life in general.

Others of you know I like to wear my faith upon my sleeve. I've always had personal issues with folks who claim to believe one thing and do another, as if you could separate what you believe from what you do. Don't misunderstand me here. It is required that we do so in government, at least to the extent of not forcing any religion on the state. but, you get a set of values from somewhere and to deny those values in your business dealings is simply inviting trouble. In fact, I suspect that is the true reason for the current state of affairs in our American capitalist society. We will discuss those types of issues going forward.

For those of you unfortunate enough to be Facebook friends with me, you probably get tired of the multi-daily dose of articles almost all dealing with current events and the inherent inconsistency of the human race. Or maybe not, since you could just un-friend me. I'm positive this is all a lot easier than some people try to make it. It certainly has been for me and I thank God for blessing me that way. It is my intent going forward to share how to make it easier and hopefully look at things in a positive, whimsical way.

If you are looking for me to get into my previous sabbatical, be patient. That will wait until I retire. I have been plotting and planning that book since the day the process ended. It's now time to refine my meager writing skills so that, when that day comes, someone might actually want to read it. I will also be learning how to put links and pictures in as we go (i'm struggling with the calvinball thing right now). Perhaps its just an ego thing (we will learn about the new title in the future). Perhaps its just a posterity thing. Just know that my son talked me out of two other titles (one being "It's My Opinion And You Are Entitled To It).

Given the current state of affairs in our country and world, I'm pretty sure its just my need to vent and spread some common sense to a place that seems to exhibit so little. The Newtown Connecticut tragedy pulled at me in ways I never thought possible. Maybe because I have grandchildren who are 8 and 6, just like those children who were whisked away to be with God. But definitely because if I didn't believe one person could change things, there would be no reason to exist. I hope you enjoy it as much as I'm going to.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Number Seven

Don't steal and don't lie.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Number Six


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Number Five

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Number Four

Refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Number Three

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Number Two

Eggs and Bacon. Chickens are involved, but pigs are committed.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Number One

Never wrestle with a pig. The pig likes it and you get dirty!